One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.
— Leonardo da Vinci

Is this You?

  • You're here because you recognise a gap in your life—a space where true flourishing seems elusive. You've taken yourself as far as you can independently and understand that expert guidance is essential for your journey to the next level.

  • Your goal is a life with less unnecessary stress and more ease. While acknowledging life's inevitable challenges, you're committed to breaking free from repetitive behaviours that cause you and others unnecessary pain.

  • Your current relationship lacks the harmony you both desire. Feeling unheard and navigating unhealthy communication, you and your partner yearn for a connection where mutual understanding and value of each other’s perspectives and needs prevail. You recognise the gap between your current status and the desired destination.

  • Wanting to shed the role of a know-it-all, you aim to eliminate stress caused by your unhelpful need to offer fixes, solutions and unsolicited advice. You're determined to cease directing others and know you hate being directed yourself when you’ve not sought support. You want to be grounded and trusting in your daily interactions.

  • You want to be a powerful, healthy and controlled communicator. You also want to avoid becoming an emotional doormat. Managing your sudden outbursts, particularly with loved ones, is a priority. And you acknowledge you need to learn how to trust expressing your true feelings without fear of conflict or fallout. Passive aggression is a tool you're eager to discard in favour of genuine, open conversations.

The good news is that I can help you with these challenges. We will work together to understand the root causes of your challenges, and you will get the accountability and support to create lasting change, feel empowered and build a life you are proud of.

To support you as you make changes that will radically transform your self-image, the quality of your relationships, your career fulfilment and your enthusiasm for all areas of your life.

Your first step is to book a free call with me through the link below today.

If as a man an area of your life involves more drama and resentment than it needs to, take the free Nice Guy scorecard using the link below.

It takes 3 minutes of your time and the results will help you understand what behaviours are supporting you in creating a life of meaning and fulfilment and what ones are hindering you and need to change.

Workplace and Workforce Change

I work creatively with individuals, groups and organisations to help teams get through conflict and resistance, to help change management as a process, to provide a level of wellness education that will inspire intrapersonal change and interpersonal relationship building. To drive behavioural change in an organisation takes more than a few ‘lunch and learns’ on the theory of psychological safety.

Behavioural change in an organisation happens in the day-to-day interactions rooted in what builds trust, what helps individuals thrive and where accountability fits in.

I support teams with this through team workshops and individual coaching encouraging goal-oriented behaviours through powerful and transformational therapeutic coaching. It’s about coaching the people, not just the role.

Interested in understanding a little more about what working with me might look like? Click here.