Riding the Wave

Riding the Wave

Walking out into a strange new world. Social distancing in place, businesses shell-shocked - the ones that have survived thus far.

People desperate for a beer with friends but not allowed to go to the gym. People terrified of each other. Political and viral experts in our midst. Lies, mistruths, misinformation, confusion. A heatwave. Ever polarised opinions and continued divisiveness. Friendships and relationships ending. Mass trauma.

Amazon thriving (the online business - not Brazil’s rainforest - sadly that’s being bulldozed and burned by Gov’t encouraged developers). Poverty worsening. Black Lives Mattering, with systemic racism still prevailing because we all have black friends, so it will all be ok.

Queues for days for Primark and McDonalds. Football in empty stadiums with piped crowd noise for viewers. Record-breaking heat in Arctic Siberia where hypersonic missile tests jockey for position with strategic ‘scientific experiments’ from Russia, China and the United States. All while Bill Gates and 5G still pervade consciousness.

It’s a lot isn’t it? Or is it just me?