Becoming YOU 2.0

Your powerful journey to the fearless life you really want to be living.

Is it time to rewrite your story?

It’s simple: You ARE allowed to live an extraordinary life, regardless of the challenges you’ve faced.

The truth is though - it’s up to you to do the work to heal and stop letting your past affect your present and sabotage your future.


You deserve a relationship that is filled with meaningful connection, intimacy and honest and healthy communication. You just have to do the work to stop letting your past affect your present.

You deserve a career that makes a difference in the world and that you find enjoyment in.

You deserve friends who uplift, support and challenge you to be a better person.

This program will give you the tools and support to navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs and big transitions, with grace, wisdom and the knowledge to make better choices than you used to.

This program pulls together everything I’ve learned:

  • to heal relationship anxiety

  • to enjoy a healthy romantic relationship after years of drama

  • to manage conflict effectively

  • to be able to create boundaries that serve me

  • to be able to communicate in a healthy and direct way

  • to create a meaningful life without worrying about what others think and people-pleasing

  • to create daily habits for myself that helped me move from depression and inertia to purpose and clear thinking.

"You don’t have to become a better you to be liked, be loved, get your needs met, or have a good life. You just have to be you." Dr Robert Glover


This programme is the key to unlocking the best version of you & living the life you've always imagined

Using tried & tested tools & strategies to get you out of your own way.

  • Imagine waking up every day with a newfound sense of clarity & confidence. Showing up in your business, no imposter syndrome & overthinking in sight.

  • Picture yourself boldly taking goal-oriented action, creating the lifestyle & financial freedom you desire, fueled by your newfound self-trust & unwavering conviction in how you show up every day.

  • Say 'goodbye' to doubt, fear, & insecurity & 'hello' to a life where you aren't giving a second thought to what others may be saying or thinking.

  • You will learn life-altering strategies to overcome the roots of your sabotaging from childhood conditioning & unlock your full potential.

  • Imagine having so much more time to create that dream life now you no longer waste it in overwhelm & indecision.


  • You to become someone who trusts themselves and their judgements...

  • You find your biggest insights from within yourself...

  • You take the action to clear away all the **** that's been getting in your way so that you can live life on your terms and create a life that is powerful and meaningful to you... You grow and become the best version of yourself...

  • If you show up and do the work!

Click HERE to find out how to sign up, and read what previous students have to say.

This comprehensive online self-paced, self-development program has been described as “more effective than years of therapy”.

This course is perfect for people who love to learn independently in their own time and get support in live monthly Q&As, listen to podcasts and read books on human behaviour.

“It’s hard to put into words how brilliant this course is.” Chloe

“I can honestly say that working with Andy on this course has changed my life. The breakthroughs I have had have been transformative.” Claire

Take the next step towards the empowering, inspiring fearless life you really want to be living.

You get my personal support throughout the program with an introductory 1:1 with me valued at £375 & 12 months of monthly live online breathwork for stress relief sessions with me.

You also have an option to separately purchase significantly reduced-price 1:1 sessions with me as a priority during the first 90 days after your investment in the program.

It's time to take back control of life. Overcome obstacles & break stubborn patterns that have been getting in your way. It's time to step out of overwhelm & pain & into action & the integrity of who you really want and need to BE.