
Stories and How They Direct Us

Stories and How They Direct Us

We are creatures of habit. The accumulation of our life’s experiences, our families, society, our conditioning, our individual ideas, thoughts and actions collectively form deep impressions and patterns in our field of consciousness (unconsciousness). In Sanskrit the term to describe these impressions and patterns is ‘samskara’: sam (complete or joined together) and kara (action, cause, or doing).

“The faculty of consciousness has three dimensions: conscious, subconscious and unconscious. The conscious dimension is responsible for logical, linear analysis. The subconscious dimension is responsible for the creation of desires, associations and attachments, identities that we recognize as good and bad, right and wrong, positive and negative. The unconscious dimension represents the field where the seeds of impressions are latent.”

We will examine briefly, samskaras and what stories and seeds grow from these latent impressions.